Geoffrey Miller Chambers was established to provide advice and representation to clients requiring high quality specialised services in criminal law matters. Our Members are among the most highly regarded and sought after Barristers in Western Australia.


Our Chambers is named after the Hon Geoffrey Miller QC. Geoffrey Miller QC was a giant figure in the criminal law in Western Australia.

He was an advocate totally devoted to achieving the best possible outcomes for all the people he represented, through hard work, devotion to purpose and mastery of the law.

He was renowned for the respect he showed to the traditions of the Independent Bar and maintaining the fair process of our courts, and he was totally committed to fundamental principles critical to ensuring the just treatment of people through the court process.

These qualities are what the Chambers named in his honour strive to continue.

At the opening of our Chambers the Hon Geoffrey Miller QC’s friend and colleague, the Hon Justice John McKechnie, spoke about the legacy of the Hon Geoffrey Miller QC, and that Speech remains here as a reminder of his enormous contribution to the law in our State.

Speech given by the Hon Justice John McKechnie in Honour of Geoffrey Miller QC


Our Barristers have decades of experience advising, representing and providing strategy and support for clients in a broad range of criminal and quasi-criminal matters including trials, sentences, bail applications and appeals. We are committed to providing the highest quality advocacy services to protect and defend the rights of our clients.

Our Chambers also has a strong relationship with interstate Counsel including door tenancies being held at Geoffrey Miller Chambers by David Grace KC and Patrick Tehan KC


Christian Porter

Kate Turtley-Chappel

Tony Hager

Kate Pearson

Roisin Keating

Christian Porter

Christian Porter was admitted to practice in 1998, first working in Commercial Litigation at Clayton Utz and then later as a Senior State Prosecutor at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions WA, where he prosecuted serious criminal offences in both the District and Supreme Courts and also represented the State in appeals. Between 2006 and 2008 Christian also lectured both Criminal Law and Evidence at the University of Western Australia and was a Professor of Law at Curtin University.

In 2008 Christian was elected to the WA Legislative Assembly as the Member for Bateman. While in State politics he served variously as the Minister for Corrective Services, Treasurer and Attorney-General.

In 2013 Christian was elected to Federal Parliament in the House of Representatives as the Member for Pearce. While in Federal politics he held various portfolios, including as Commonwealth Attorney-General from December 2017 to March 2021.

Since retiring from Federal politics in April 2022 Christian has returned to the law. He established Henley Stirling Lawyers where he worked as a Solicitor and Barrister, appearing in jury trials, appeals, sentencing matters and bail applications. In early 2023 he was called to the Bar and now practices out of Geoffrey Miller Chambers.

Christian brings unique experience, knowledge, and skills to his practice as a Barrister. He specialises in criminal and quasi-criminal matters and has extensive experience in a range of other litigation, including interlocutory, administrative, and regulatory proceedings in a full range of Courts.

Practicing around Australia, as well as in WA, his primary practice areas include:

Kate Turtley-Chappel

After graduating from the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Behavioural Science, Kate completed an articled clerkship at Central Desert Native Title Services, working exclusively in the field of Native Title law, spending time on country and assisting Native Title claimants across an area that covers almost one-third of Western Australia. Kate then moved across to criminal law, commencing with Legal Aid WA in 2010, working in the Perth office before relocating to Legal Aid’s Geraldton office in 2015. From 2019-2023 she was the director and partner of two criminal law firms.

Kate’s career spans Legal Aid, ALSWA and the private sector. Kate takes access to justice seriously and is committed to ensuring fairness in the criminal justice process, including being the inaugural Legal Aid Panel Member Award recipient for the Attorney General’s Community Service Law Awards.

Kate has appeared in all Western Australian courts and has a comprehensive understanding of court processes and procedures. Kate has acted on a number of high profile, complex and sensitive matters in both State and Commonwealth Jurisdictions.

Kate joined the WA Bar in 2023 operating out of Geoffrey Miller Chambers.

Tony Hager

Tony has practiced as a Criminal Lawyer in Western Australia and Victoria for over 15 years. He has worked as In-House Counsel for both the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA and Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service.

Tony has vast experience in the field of criminal law. He has appeared as lead Counsel in courts of summary jurisdiction, Children’s Court, District Court, County Court and Supreme Court for jury trials, pleas in mitigation and sentencing, contested bail applications and contested interlocutory hearings. Tony also regularly appears on behalf of respondents in proceedings brought under the High Risk Serious Offenders Act in the Supreme Court. Tony is a member of all Legal Aid Criminal Law Panels and takes pro bono briefs for the under-privileged.

Tony practises in the following areas:

He completed a Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) at the University of Western Australia in 2007 and Masters of Laws (Criminal Justice) at the University of Western Australia in 2012.

Tony is a passionate lawyer who uses his advocacy skills and extensive knowledge of the law to achieve the best outcomes for his clients.

Kate Pearson

A passionate criminal defence and family lawyer, Kate’s academic accomplishments include a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Business (Major in Management) at Edith Cowan University in 2013, followed by a Master of International Commercial Law at the University of Western Australia in 2015.  In 2014, Kate was admitted to practice in Western Australia.

Since being admitted, Kate has worked in criminal law in a range of private settings and at a community legal centre. In addition, she has spent time practicing law Internationally – in 2014 at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and in a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights. Kate also co-authored a book on International Commercial Relations between Australia and China. Additionally, Kate worked as a teaching assistant, teaching the ‘Mental Health and the Law’ unit at Notre Dame University from 2017 to 2019. This background has proven her to be a highly talented and capable advocate with international experience rarely seen. She is able to provide comprehensive advice on a range of matters.

Kate accepts instructions in the areas of criminal law, family law, care and protection, and restraining orders. She is currently on all Legal Aid WA Criminal Law panels other than Murder and Appeals, and all Family Law (including Care and Protection and Restraining Order) panels other than Independent Children’s Lawyer work.

Kate has a strong interest in criminal law and has acted in a range of complex and sensitive matters, including appearing in the State Administrative Tribunal, Children’s Courts, Magistrates Courts, District Courts and Supreme Courts, and acted in matters from Traffic to serious violent and sexual offences, including High Risk Serious Offender applications. She has also assisted with Murder matters. Kate was acknowledged as a Doyle’s Guide Rising Star in 2021.

Roisin Keating

Roisin is a criminal Barrister with considerable experience advocating on behalf of clients in the Children’s Courts, Magistrates Courts, and District Courts of Western Australia. She has assisted in a number of lengthy trials before the Supreme Court and has a keen insight to offer those involved in a wide range of criminal proceedings.

Roisin graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Notre Dame and began her career in criminal law working as a clerk for one of Western Australia’s most prominent Kings Counsel. Following her admission in the Supreme Court of Western Australia in 2017, Roisin worked exclusively in criminal law, gaining experience at a number of reputable, specialised criminal law firms in Perth.

Roisin has a comprehensive understanding of criminal law and is proficient in dealing with court processes and procedures.  Roisin appears daily in the Magistrates Courts, Children’s Courts, and District Courts of Western Australia, both within the Perth Metropolitan area and Western Australia’s outer regions. Roisin has appeared as trial Counsel in a variety of complex and lengthy criminal trials for both adult and juvenile offenders as well as appearing at sentencing hearings and bail applications on a regular basis.


Our Barristers work from a heritage building located at 55 Murray Street, Perth. The Chambers building is located in the heart of Perth’s court precinct, next to the District and Magistrates Courts. Our team joined together in the belief that, as well as specialised and detailed attention to the cases we defend, our clients’ interests are best served by a commitment to a truly collegiate approach to our practice, where our Barristers’ shared knowledge and experience can be applied to benefit all our clients.

  • State and Commonwealth Criminal Offences
  • Public and Administrative Law
  • Regulatory and Statutory Proceedings and Offences
  • Inquiries, Commissions, Tribunals and Inquests
  • State and Commonwealth Criminal Offences
  • Crimes against the person
  • National security, espionage and interference offences
  • Drug possession, supply, manufacture, and trafficking
  • Property offences, robbery and burglary, trespass, criminal damage and arson
  • Fraud, stealing and receiving and white-collar crime
  • Sexual assaults and other sexual offences
  • Stalking, threats, deprivation of liberty and kidnapping
  • Money laundering
  • Firearms matters
  • Bail applications
  • Public and Administrative Law
  • Proceeds of crime matters and confiscations
  • Customs and immigration matters
  • Licensing and merits review matters
  • Professional disciplinary matters
  • International extraditions
  • Regulatory and Statutory Proceedings and Offences
  • Work health and safety criminal proceedings
  • Environmental, planning and safety offences
  • Revocations of firearms licences
  • Inquiries, Commissions, Tribunals and Inquests
  • Government Inquiries, statutory tribunals
  • Corruption Commissions
  • Coronial Inquests


Our Chambers Clerks are the initial point of contact for both Solicitors and clients wishing to brief Barristers at Geoffrey Miller Chambers. Please contact us below.